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Raschel York

I was a student from 2000-2003. Back then, the school was called the School of Rural Public Health under the Texas A&M Health Science Center. My favorite memory of my time in school was the MANY different classrooms that the school utilized throughout the Brazos Valley. There was the Wells Fargo building, Reynolds Medical School building, Reed Building on A&M Campus (close to G. Rollie White), strip center on University Drive, etc. The program was definitely growing and they were running out of space for us! My favorite professors were Larry Gamm, Jim Burdine, and Alicia Dorsey. James Robinson was SO helpful to me when I started the program and convinced me that I could attend part-time and still work full-time at St. Joseph Hospital. My time at SPH changed my life because I know had NO IDEA that public health could be so interesting and life-changing for so many people. So thankful to be a part of this school as an alumni and board member now!