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Daphne Lynch

I am forever thankful for the education I received at SPH, and the opportunities that I gained from attending a great institution. During our public health training, we established a lifelong group of friends at SPH. We were brought together through our shared classes and mentorship program and have stayed friends ever since. Coming from all parts of the country with very different backgrounds, we always manage to stay connected and normally leave these hangouts with tears from laughing so hard. Even with careers, marriages and children taking up our time now, we still manage to find time for each other. The support of close friends is just as valuable as the degrees we have earned.

(From Left to Right) Ashley Yuen, Matt Yuen ’14, Danielle Calhoun Ortiz ’14, Jared Walker ’13, Kirsten Walker, Daphne Lynch ’13, Robert Ortiz, Tommy Lynch P