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Eric Garza

I was at SPH from the fall of 2010 through the summer of 2013. I was not physically in College Station, since I was in the Austin cohort. This cohort was great for those of us that wanted to continue our full-time employment, but were interested in advancing academically and professionally. After graduating I joined the Alumni Advisory Board. I currently work at the Texas Department of State Health Services as an infectious diseases Epidemiologist. My favorite memory was receiving praise from professors because of good work on assignments while also using my public health work experience. Another favorite memory is all the times spent with my classmates in the Austin cohort. My favorite professors were Dr. James Alexander, Annamarie Bokelmann, and Dr. Barbara Quiram. My favorite mentor was Dr. Thomas McDonald, and my favorite employee was Britta Wright. My time at SPH changed my life because I was given an opportunity to receive a great education, show through my exams that I could perform well, and with the degree earned finally become an epidemiologist.