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Michelle Weiss

I attended SRPH as a student in Epidemiology and Biostatistics from 2001-2003. I helped form the Epidemiology Student Organization with Carol Davis, volunteered to teach Diabetes Education in Bryan,TX and spent time playing intramural flag football. My practicum was spent as an Ensign in the USPHS's CoSTEP program and I graduated and became a fellow with the CDC/CSTE Applied Epidemiology Fellowship program in North Carolina where I responded to Hurricane Katrina as part of the NC SMAT and aided in outbreak investigations with the State Occupational Epidemiology Branch. I moved on to be an Epidemiologist for Nashville's Metro Public Health Department. I currently am the Director of Business Analytics at Cambridge Health Alliance a Safety Net Hospital System in Cambridge, MA. I live near Austin, TX and enjoy mentoring analysts and Epidemiologists as they begin their careers.

I have fond memories of Dr. Jennifer Peck, Dr. Sue Carozza, learning SAS, GIS analysis and Infectious Disease Epidemiology from Dr. Gary Holmes.