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Kirk Niekamp

I never saw myself as a leader - always a follower. Never once did I dream I could lead a team, nevertheless represent thousands of students in any capacity. That was, until I took my first semester as a public health major. Throughout college, I changed my major five times ranging from ag business to meteorology. I felt stuck not knowing where to go or what to do, but I knew I wanted to make an impact in the world. After much delving on what major could impact the most people, I decided to plant my feet in a major and brave the storm - public health. Now, I will never look back. From being the first non-binary elected to both undergraduate SGA and Graduate Student and Professional Government student government, to a disaster day vice chair, to say the School of Public Health opens doors is an understatement. It opens the windows, blows out the garage, and knocks the roof right off. From 2020 as a meteorology major to now as an MPH student, the choice I made the night to pursue a larger purpose was the best one ever made.