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When were you at the SPH? 2016-2018 Obtaining my MPH in Health Policy and Management
What student groups were you involved in? Chancellor's Advisory Student Board, TAMPSHA, APHA, I helped plan and organize a bunch of the school's social gatherings and had a blast!
What are you doing now? I am getting a PhD in Health Services Research at Boston University School of Public Health and I commissioned in July 2021 in the United States Public Health Service as a Health Services Officer.
What is your favorite memory of your time as a student? Getting to walk in to Kyle Field and take a pic with Chancellor Sharp!
Who was your favorite professor or mentor during your time at SPH? Mike Morris and Alva Ferdinand
How did your time at SPH change your life? My time at Texas A&M equipped me with a deep understanding of public health principles, theories, and practices. This expertise broadened your perspective on various aspects of public health, from epidemiology to health policy. This encouraged me to pursue a PhD, committing myself to research that can one day impact U.S. policy. Most importantly it nurtured my heart for service which led to me commissioning in the United States Public Health Service to serve our country. I established valuable connections with professors, fellow students, and professionals in the field. This network has led to ongoing support, mentorship, and collaborative opportunities throughout my life.