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Bachelor of Science in Public Health

A Bachelor of Science in Public Health (BSPH) is a competency-based educational degree focused on the knowledge, skills, and abilities relevant to improving population health. Our education program is strengthened by our regionally focused, practice-based scholarship and service. The BSPH degree is an excellent option for those who wish to practice in the many fields of Public Health or to pursue a pre-professional degree and will be applying to medical, dentistry or nursing, or other professional school programs.

We assist all School of Public Health Undergraduate students in their journey to become successful professionals in public health fields.


Advising Hours are subject to change.


Advisors are regularly available for the following:

Walk-In Hours: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays 9:00-11:30 am and 1:30-4:00 pm. 

Appointments Only: Mondays and Fridays 9:00-11:30 am and 1:30-4:00 pm.

SPH Majors may make appointments using Navigate through the Howdy portal (24 hours in advance). Appointments can be scheduled no earlier than 7 days in advance.

Contact your assigned academic advisor (by last name) for questions and/or appointments.


Learning Communities

An exciting Honors learning community entering its’ eighth year, Broad Street offers a select group of high-achieving students all the advantages of a small, student-centered college with all the benefits of being a student at one of the largest and most comprehensive educational institutions in the world. 

Students in Broad Street enroll in a special honors section of PHLT 270H, the foundational class for Broad Street, for the fall term.  This course, The Last Lecture Series, offers interactive faculty lectures, in-depth examination of relevant literature, and group discussion.  The college’s best faculty have been tabbed to present lectures and lead discussion in an interdisciplinary cross-college survey of the best that Public Health and the TAMU Health Science Center has to offer.

One of the primary attractions of Broad Street is its international component.  Students in the Society embark on a week-long study abroad program to a country of their choosing over spring break of their freshman year through PHLT 370H – Windows on the World.  International experience is a primary component of the Society and is a vital part of the sort of all-around education that is so valued in today’s society.

Previous destinations have included London, Paris, Amsterdam, Prague, Berlin, Brussels, Munich, Budapest and Vienna.  Group travel rates and our overseas connections make this a very affordable once-in-a-lifetime experience for our students. 

Minimum qualifications to apply to Broad Street include a 1300 or higher SAT, 30 ACT, and top 10 percent class rank.  Students interested in the Broad Street Society may contact Dr. Don Curtis at

The Public Health First-Generation Scholars program, also known as THRIVE, is heading into its fifth year in Fall 2023! This Hullabaloo U certified learning community, specific to Public Health Studies, serves first-time-in-college first-generation students. THRIVE is a two-semester, 1 credit hour each, graded course. The course includes the same instructor and Peer Mentor throughout the two semesters.

THRIVE covers a number of topics related to student success both inside and outside of the classroom as students transition into the college setting. Importantly, the course has a strong foundational basis of community building. Topics discussed can include: graduation planning, establishing and attaining goals, time-management, motivation, reflection, resilience, discovering and utilizing strengths, degree planners, major exploration, career exploration, and professional development (resume and cover letter building).

In addition to the various topics discussed in class, a number of speakers from across the university are brought in to share useful information with students. Past speakers have included the Money Education Center, Counseling and Psychological Services, Student Health Services, and a number of Public Health Faculty, such as the Program Director for the Masters in Public Health.

The Public Health Honors Program in the School of Public Health is specifically designed for students contemplating graduate study in Public Health, or for those looking for unique opportunities to enhance related professional school applications. The Honors program provides opportunities for individualized, advanced work for the academically distinguished undergraduate public health major. This 21-hour program is designed to offer students an opportunity to enroll in smaller classes composed of highly motivated and capable students and engage in the research process at an early stage of the undergraduate experience, affording students the chance to work directly with public health faculty on ongoing research projects. Students who complete the program will graduate with the Public Health Honors distinction.

For more information including requirements and admission, please go to:

3+2 Degree Programs in Multiple Concentrations

Another option for talented undergraduate students is the 3+2 Program in Epidemiology, Occupational Health, Health Promotion and Community Health Sciences, or Health Policy and Management in which undergraduate BSPH majors can earn a combined BSPH/MPH degree through an intensive program covering no more than 5 years. The application is now available. Students apply in the spring of their junior year, and the combined program begins fall of their senior year. Students must have a minimum overall Texas A&M GPA on a minimum of 30 Texas A&M credit hours at the time of application.


Our graduates move on to prominent roles within several health care fields:

  • Medicine
  • Dentistry
  • Nursing
  • Physician’s Assistant
  • Physical Therapist
  • Hospital Management
  • Epidemiology
  • Health Education
  • Occupational Therapist
Students with Dr. Curtis

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