Texas A&M University has centrally funded Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Creative Cloud licenses, for up to two devices, for the 2023 fiscal year. The license covers specific TAMU System entities listed below. The license does not include students or student workers, though students may use their NetID@tamu.edu account to access Creative Cloud applications in all main campus computer labs or on any University-owned devices provisioned with an Adobe Creative Cloud “shared device license” by an IT Administrator. Working retirees employed by the university are included in this license, but non-working retirees are not.
Note: All Adobe Creative Cloud licenses will be distributed and assigned to licensed entity faculty and staff NetID@tamu.edu addresses. As a result, any existing Adobe licenses assigned to a boutique TAMU address (e.g. @mays.tamu.edu) will require manual asset migration to the new NetID@tamu.edu account. Shared device licenses are not applicable in Virtual lab environments where a named user license is still required. For licensed entity members previously licensed for Adobe products from their department please contact your IT administrator or Help Desk Central at 979.845.8300 if you require assistance migrating your Adobe Cloud files. You may also see our migration documentation in KB0021592.
How to access the Adobe Creative Cloud at Texas A&M University
Adobe Help Center
Troubleshooting issues with your ACC account.
Adobe Express is free to use in education, also included with your Adobe CC license. Adobe has tutorials, courses, lesson plans and video guides on the Adobe Education Exchange, ready to help teachers and students start their creative journey and cultivate creative skills for college and career. Visit the Adobe Education Exchange website.
Audacity is a multi-track audio editor and recorder app. It is a free app.
Camtasia can be used to edit both audio and video and to record your screen. TAMU has licenses for staff, faculty, and students. Go to TAMU Software Store to get the license and installation file.
Your course has access to Mediasite, the university's standardized streaming media system that provides either public or private access to video and audio content. Since your course has a storage limit, Mediasite offers you a limit of 10GB for videos. You can find more tutorials here: Mediasite TAMU or watch this video to learn how to embed a video in your Canvas course Mediasite and Canvas Video
The School of Public Health offers to all faculty the generation of transcripts and closed captioning services for all lecture materials that need to be posted on Canvas or public websites. To request these services, please fill out this form: Transcripts or CCs ( Descript tutorials)
Video tutorials:
The Studio provides specialized services and tools for creating and editing graphics, video, audio, and multimedia projects. Our goal is to provide the Texas A&M University community with multimedia tools, expert assistance, and educational programming to support the creation of media-enriched instructional projects. Check their availability here: Online scheduling. The Studio is located at the Evans Library Annex. You can contact Bob Perez for more information.
This is another option, but make sure your recording is unlisted: How to make your YouTube video unlisted.
Texas A&M University students and employees have access to a Zoom Pro Account. This software gives you the ability to:
Getting Started with Zoom Guide The following is a checklist when scheduling or joining a Zoom Meeting. To get started, go to the TAMU Zoom website. For more details about your account, consult this website: Zoom Videoconferencing
Im portant Updates
NOTE: To report technical issues with your Zoom account, please send an email to tamu_helpdesk@tamu.edu
The following is a checklist when scheduling or joining a Zoom Meeting ( Checklist (PDF))
Du ring Meeting